
Love Notes & Songs for You...

"You exist that Divine feeling, fire, imagination and creativity may be expressed through you. There is a pattern of perfection at the center of your being which has never been touched by disease or misfortune. Your intellect senses this through intuition, your imagination feels it by divine right, your inward consciousness knows it through faith. What you are trying to do is to awaken your whole being to spiritual awareness. You need not ask what others have done or how they have done it. Be yourself and express life as you find it. Never imitate. Trust the self" ~ Ernest Holmes, This Thing Called You

"A miracle is a shift in perception. Each of us can live in the victory of spirit, claiming for ourselves the miraculous power that has been given to us as children of God. It is our faith that miracles are possible–that the very fabric of the universe is miraculous–which opens the mind, and thus the future, to unimaginable possibilities. "Dear God, please send a miracle" is a powerful prayer for cosmic support. To pray is to take spiritual action." ~ Marianne Williamson, Everyday Grace

"Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights. But your ears thirst for the sound of your heart's knowledge. You would know in words that which you have always known in thought. You would touch with your fingers the naked body of your dreams. And it is well you should. The hidden well-spring of your should must needs rise and run murmuring to the sea; And the treasure of your infinite depths would be revealed to your eyes. But let there be no scales to weigh your unknown treasure; And seek not the depths of your knowledge with staff or sounding line. For self is a sea boundless and measureless. Say not, 'I have found the truth,' but rather, 'I have found a truth.' Say not, 'I have found the path of the soul.' Say rather, 'I have met the soul walking upon my path.' For the soul walks upon all paths. The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed. The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals." ~ Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

24 songs - iTunes Playlist I made: Brand New Day

"You who perceive yourself as weak and frail, with futile hopes and devastated dreams, born but to die, to weep and suffer pain, hear this: All power is given unto you in earth and Heaven. There is nothing that you cannot do. You will identify with what you think will make you safe. Whatever it may be, you will believe that it is one with you. Your safety lies in truth, and not in lies. Love is your safety. Fear does not exist. Identify with love, and you are safe. Identify with love, and you are home. Identify with love, and find your Self. Let me not forget myself is nothing, but my Self is all. I was created as the thing I seek. I am the goal the world is searching for." Gifts From A Course In Miracles

"The boy continued to listen to his heart as they crossed the desert. He came to understand its dodges and tricks, and to accept it as it was. He lost his fear, and forgot about his need to go back to the oasis, because one afternoon, his heart told him that it as happy. 'Even though I complain sometimes,' it said, 'it's because I'm the heart of a person, and people's hearts are that way. People are afraid to pursue their most important dreams, because they feel that they don't deserve them, or that they'll be unable to achieve them. We, their hearts, become fearful just thinking of loved ones who go away forever, or of moments that could have been good but weren't, or of treasures that might have been found but were hidden in the sands. Because, when these things happen, we suffer terribly.' 'My heart is afraid that it will have to suffer,' the boy told the alchemist one night as they looked up at the moonless sky. 'Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second's encounter with God and with eternity.'" ~ Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

"The Openness to Possibility: At the end of John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath, Rose of Sharon, beaten down by life–or so it appears–hungry, poor beyond your imagination, without hope, sits broken in a barn. She seems to have given up, and you can hardly blame her. But then something magical and miraculous happens; she lies down beside a starving man, who is near death. Gently pressing his head to her breast, she begins to nurse him. In the moment of greatest surrender, when she gives herself up to the awesome forces of the universe that have tried to destroy her family–floods, famines, the cruelty of property owners–she finds an answer, and her commitment to life and to the life of those in the universe around her shines through. It cannot be dimmed. I often think, in these moments, of the Chinese word for 'crisis'; it is made up of the two Chinese symbols for opportunity and change. In your darkest, most hopeless times, you can be most open to change, to possibility, if you surrender yourself to complete, open relationship with the world around you. Spend a few quiet moments thinking about a time in your life when you have been in a state of crisis. When you have given yourself time to spend thinking about the crisis, make a commitment to yourself: I commit myself to knowing and experiencing even the most difficult feelings fully so that each occasion of doubt is instead transformed into an event of wonder." ~ Gay Hendricks, A Year of Living Consciously


ph. 888-308-4781

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A Loving Challenge & Purpose Built Business intro Lesson 1

YAY!!! The FREE Introduction Lesson 1 is out!!

The Purpose Built Business Training Camp starts June 1st, sign up!

Lots of folks I talk with think this program is only for practitioners and businesses just starting out... but that is the furthest thing from the truth.

Very few of us actually know what our purpose is.  Most think, and are supported to think, that their passion is what their purpose is - but that is wrong.  Most think, "Oh I know my purpose I'm a massage therapist," "...I'm a personal trainer," - but this too is wrong.  Your passion and the way you show up in the world are actually manifestations of your purpose.  We've never been guided to, or challenged to, know our purpose.

"A ship in the harbor is safe, but that's not what ships are built for."~William Shedd

Your purpose is your sacred contract - the WHY to the what you do.
You may wonder why understanding your purpose is so important, thinking you are doing just fine right now....

Awakening Your Purpose is VITALLY IMPORTANT:
  • Aligning with your purpose automatically keeps your business on track, because your purpose IS the track
  • Working with clarity of your purpose is THE most sustainable business practice for success you can do in any economy
  • Your purpose is the foundation to everything you are doing... you can't start with a business plan (and most small businesses don't even have this) without knowing why you are doing what you are doing - and it's not about the money, that most definitely is not sustainable - this we know.
    • a builder can't skip to just finishing out the second floor and expect the house to be livable
    • a chiropractor can't help someone get better if she doesn't know what is going on with the body's bones
We have just skipped ahead with our talents... and wondered why we struggle to pay the bills, much less enjoy a trip to a foreign country.  

Let's go bigger with that curiosity... as best I have uncovered, there are over half-million natural & spiritual health practitioners in the U.S. -- we are healers or serve through a healing business, or expression (music, art); and we are out there using our gifts [with no purpose] and we wonder why our country is one of the sickest in the world... bold statement, I know but common people it is time for us to get out there and do what the heck we contracted to do on this planet!! This is definitely not about blame or judgment, this is about an awakening... and well, that's my job - to support you, challenge you and inspire you. And I am absolutely here for you.

Intend.  Commit.  Let's do this thing.

This doesn't have to take forever to do, you just have to start.  Here is a gift from me to get started, an introductory Lesson 1, with exercises.

Business researcher and consultant W. Edwards Deming once said, most people's live are like the food in his refrigerator–not quite good enough to eat but not quite bad enough to throw out either. It is a life of mediocrity, and as they near the end of it, they find out that they're not happy with what they have.

A commitment to the truth of who you are and what you want, however, is a commitment to bettering your life.

You are made for greatness... let's not be afraid to fully show up any more.

"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when adults are afraid of the light."~Plato

I invite you to check this program out and if you have any questions, at all, call or email me I would love to talk with you.
Imagine what we could do together.  Imagine how different and empowered your life could be.  Imagine the healing that could take place in this world.

Call me, email me, Facebook me, tweet me - I would love to talk with you.
ph. 888-308-4781

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BREAKOUT & BE YOU - A successful healer and business owner

Here's the deal my friend... You Are Great; You Are Magnificent; You Are A Healer... wait, don't go away yet.  I realize you may not want to hear that; you may feel uncomfortable hearing that; and/or you may think I'm another one of those 'motivational speakers' pushin' some snake-oil - well I'm not.  I'm on a mission.

And you're going to want to read this because you're frustrated and worried about where you are in your life and the level your business is at... and yet YOU KNOW - You Know, there is more that is possible for you with this; and you know you're on the right track, you're just stuck right now or maybe for awhile.  I am here to help you if you are ready to get movin'.

You see I've been working in the holistic health industry over 25 years and before that, back in the '70's as a kid we started buckwheat pancakes, molasses bars, homemade mayonnaise, and Shaklee vitamins... my mission is to help heal and advance the people of this planet - exponentially, by helping all (OK, well as many as possible) the natural & spiritual health practitioners and businesses to breakthrough their human 'limitations' and empower them to be, and live, the beautiful heavenly-ball-of-potential that they were created as.

I've developed two, pretty awesome, programs to demonstrate my mission with my highest, most dedicated intention... TO SERVE YOU!!  The programs are training camps... like a boot camp, intensity, motivation, support, challenge, accountability, new tools, and me as your support person, your personal trainer, your drill sargent -- but with a lot more nurturing and intuition involved.  We can do this (honest, check out the testimonials on the page link below here)!

TRAINING CAMP 1 = The Purpose Built Business - a 1 month packed program to support you awakening and igniting your purpose & passion to step out into your success (abundance & joy)

TRAINING CAMP 2 - The Vision Created Success
Combine your Purpose Built Business with Specific Visioning and Action to Deliberately Create Success!  Dare to Dream... and Work it!
As a healing business owner, desiring to move your business to a new level, change has to happen; shift has to happen... the things that got you where you are today, WILL NOT take you where you want to go. I do realize small businesses like yours can only function at a certain knowledge base... you only know whatcha know... SO, let's get you some new ways of doing things; some new power tools in your tool box.
I'm here for you.
If you are ready to breakout; if you are ready to live more fully; to experience more success (no matter what level you business is at); if you are ready to commit completely, and challenge yourself to really show up for this one - as Apolo Ohno says, to "leave it all on the ice" -- I promise you, I am here for you.  I am here for you every step of the way.
I invite you to check this program out and if you have any questions, at all, call or email me I would love to talk with you.
Imagine what we could do together.  Imagine how different and empowered your life could be.  Imagine the healing that could take place in this world.

Call me, email me, Facebook me, tweet me - I would love to talk with you.
ph. 888-308-4781

 *Natural & Spiritual Health Industry, coined by 

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People in this country, and in the world, are seeking ways to heal various areas of their life - and on the path to healing the struggles can be many.  The answers, as we know, are not in a pill... the answers lie within.  It is the Natural & Spiritual Health Industry* that will bring the greatest support on the road to healing.  Your services, products and businesses are of GREAT need.  Step out, step forward, grab my hand, and LET'S GO!

Check out these statistics:
An estimated 60 million Americans live with Chronic Pain, searching for help.

One-third of Americans are living with extreme stress and nearly half of Americans (48%) believe that their stress has increased over the past five years.

About 5.2 million U.S. adults ages 18 to 54 have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in any given year.

Depression is among the leading causes of disability worldwide. An estimated 121 million people world-wide currently suffer from depression. Approximately 18.8 million American adults have depression.

More than 19 million American adults have an anxiety disorder.

Approximately 2.4 million American adults have panic disorder; about 60% of those suffer a major depressive disorder.

An estimated 10-20% of children worldwide have one or more mental health or behavioral problems3.

Over 45 million Americans suffer from chronic, recurring headaches and of these, 28 million suffer from migraines. About 20% of children and adolescents also have significant headaches.

This year about 1.2 million Americans will have a first or recurrent coronary attack. About 632,000 of these people will die. Coronary heart disease is the single leading cause of death in the US6.

Cancer is the #2 killer in the US, colon cancer is the #2 cancer in the US, which is highly preventable.

23.6 million people, 7.8% of the US population, have diabetes; with a 23% increase in adults; Type II diabetes making up 90-95% and at least an additional 57 million US adults were found to have pre-diabetes, both of which are preventable.

70 million Americans have Fatty Liver; extremely preventable.

65% of US adults are overweight while 35% are obese.

Researchers reported that the rate of obesity in US children could mean that 2.7 million children are severely obese.

2.4 billion prescriptions written in 2005

CDC says Antidepressants most-prescribed drugs in the U.S. with a 48% increase;118 million were for antidepressants

Nearly 14 million American adults are an alcohol abuser or alcoholic at any given time.

An estimated 46% of persons age 12 and older use illicit drugs

An estimated 172-250 million people world-wide use illicit drugs

The average household in 2008 carried nearly $8,700 in credit card debt

May 2009 saw a 40% increase in bankruptcy filings from May 2008, tallying at 6020 filings a day

60% of all US first marriages end in divorce and 80% of second marriages

This is our time, and I so want to help you make this world a better place - Natural & Spiritual Health Practitioners and Businesses are needed now, more than ever before!  Imagine what we could do together.  Imagine how different and empowered your life could be.  Imagine the healing that could take place in this world.

Call me, email me, Facebook me, tweet me - I would love to talk with you.
ph. 888-308-4781

(statistical resources are available via email request)
 *Natural & Spiritual Health Industry, coined by 

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Wellness Millionaires ~ This can be you!

This absolutely can be you.

The ‘wellness’ industry has grown from $200 billion in 2002 to $500 billion in 2007.  In the next 5 years, an additional $500 billion [totaling $1 trillion] of the U.S. economy will be devoted to the still relatively unknown already-$500 billion wellness business—defined in the dictionary as “the quality or state of being in good health especially as an actively sought goal [emphasis added].”

The majority of wellness sales today, are made collectively by individual entrepreneurs, direct selling professionals, chiropractors, osteopaths, other health professionals, and small businesses. This is because becoming a wellness customer requires a paradigm shift on the part of the consumer, and direct person-to-person contact is the best way, and sometimes the only way, to make this paradigm shift in a person's thinking take place.

this page is excerpts from, The New Wellness Revolution by Paul Zane, Wiley 2007

The $2 trillion medical industry has not embraced wellness and shows few 
signs of doing so. While there are exceptions, for the most part U.S. hospitals, 
pharmaceutical companies, and health professional organizations are either ignoring 
wellness or fighting it whenever it crosses into their territory. Opportunity awaits 
entrepreneurs and health professionals who realize that wellness is a new movement. 
The stubbornness and shortsightedness of many traditional medical providers has 
created an enormous business opportunity for wellness entrepreneurs and professionals.

The millionaires: By 1991, the amazing U.S. economy had spawned 3.6 million 
U.S. households that had a net worth of $1 million or more. Then, in just the next 10 
years, the number of millionaire households doubled to 7.2 million. It took the U.S. 
economy 215 years to create the first 3.6 million millionaire households, and then just 
10 years to create 3.6 million more.  Today, more than 10 million U.S. households 
have a net worth of $1 million or more. By 2016, there will be 20 million U.S. 
millionaire households.

When the Forbes 400 list of the richest 400 Americans was first published in 1981, it contained 12 Rockefellers, 10 Morgans, 6 Astors, and other family names that had become synonyms for American wealth. Twenty-four years later only 40 of the original 400 (or their children) remain on the list, and none of these family names are in the top 10 now. The top 10 today possess 32% of the total wealth of the top 400 richest Americans.  But, rather than the rich getting richer, all of the top 10 on the Forbes 400 list were born poor or middle class, and only two of the top 10 finished college. Moreover, it appears that 
many if not most of the people on the Forbes 400 
list have something else in common—a brother or 
sister who is as great a failure in life as they are a 
success.  Achieving great success today is no longer mostly 
determined by the color of your skin, your country 
of origin, or even your individual parents. Great 
success is now, more than ever before in human 
history, about making a choice. Of course your 
education, your parents, and other factors outside 
your control play a role, but the largest 
determinants of success today are the choices 
you make.

This absolutely can be you... what choices will you make today, to be the success you are meant to be? Business Breakthroughs!

This is our time, and I so want to help you make this world a better place - Natural & Spiritual Health Practitioners and Businesses are needed now, more than ever before!  Imagine what we could do together.  Imagine how different and empowered your life could be.  Imagine the healing that could take place in this world.

Call me, email me, Facebook me, tweet me - I would love to talk with you.
ph. 888-308-4781

*Natural & Spiritual Health Industry, coined by
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Natural & Spiritual Health Practitioners and Businesses, needed now more than ever

Many people in today’s society say the same words: "I feel like I’m always behind. I’m barely treading water." All experience the same sensation; nothing that they do feels like it’s enough; trying to fill a hole that has no bottom. Buddhists call it the "Hungry Ghost.” Today’s pressures feel greater than ever; deadlines, bills, everyone wanting something, never enough time, never enough money... leaving people living a reactionary life, exhausted, lost, wondering why, what for; loosing site of dreams, themselves, their health, their spirit. Our industry is no different. We are all human.

Natural and Spiritual Health Industry* 
practitioners and businesses (click here & view side bar about who is this industry) are needed 
today more than ever – and, there are a lot 
of good things happening for our industry. 
The newly coined ‘Wellness Industry’ has 
doubled. Many Americans are seeking out 
The Natural & Spiritual Health Industry* as 
a new career, and usage is up more than 
ever!  In addition, a recent survey shows Americans have a high 
spiritual belief.  However on the flip-side, 
the Natural & Spiritual Health Industry* is 
made up mostly of small businesses and 
entrepreneurs... relating to low incomes and 
failed businesses. This math doesn’t quite make sense.

Why is this then? Simply put, we’re all human.

We all turn out with our own programming. The opportunities are there, this is documented - we just reach our upper limits, stuck in our anxiety and confusion.  This industry imbalance, and your personal business challenges, is not about the economy, it is not about low capital, insurance, or the sign out front.  It is about us as humans, hitting our upper limits, getting stuck in 'our stuff', just needing a little help to move through to the next level... everyone experiences this from top CEO's, to millionaires and Olympic athletes, to amazing entrepreneurs.  We all come with our own baggage... our own ‘stuff’, that gets in the way – in the way of doing and living our highest purpose... the reason we’re here in the first place.

Change is possible, you're just stuck somewhere - you can get some major movement in this blockage in less than 90 days!  All is possible. You can get back on track and actually lay new tracks in a bigger, brighter direction!

You started out excited to help people – following more than a dream, following your calling; then bills, rent, payroll, need more patients/clients/customers/parishioners; you are affecting lives without a doubt and know you need to expand in your life but there’s not enough money or time or both. Maybe you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night not knowing how you are going to pay those bills; or maybe your worried about loosing it all. Perhaps you are doing good business but you can’t seem to move pass a certain level of income... or business is great and moving forward but your life seems stuck going to work, coming home doing the same things, wondering where the last year went and why nothing has changed accept your age. So now who has time to fulfill any type of purpose, or calling? You have more choices than you think. provides creative success strategies through holistic [life, mind, body, spirit, business] Empowerment Coaching, breaking down barriers, building awareness, and unleashing your highest purpose and inherent success. Our work together is about shining a light on the what’s and the how’s... "what makes me think this is my purpose?"; “how am I supposed to make a living doing this?”; “what’s keeping me from going any further?” and many others... bringing about solutions and choices that you are empowered to make. Business Coaching

This is our time, and I so want to help you make this world a better place - Natural & Spiritual Health Paractitioners and Businesses are needed now, more than ever before!  Imagine what we could do together.  Imagine how different and empowered your life could be.  Imagine the healing that could take place in this world.

Call me, email me, Facebook me, tweet me - I would love to talk with you.
ph. 888-308-4781
  • Need: 60M Americans live with chronic pain; 1/3rd live with extreme stress; 19M suffer from depression; 45M suffer chronic headaches; heart attacks #1 killer; cancer #2 killer; 24M have diabetes; 65% are overweight; antidrepressants are the #1 prescription; 60% 1st & 80% 2nd marriages end in divorce
  • Wellness Industry: $500B - 2012 $1T (The New Wellness Revolution, Paul Zane Pilzer, Wiley 2007) like-minded scientists, fitness providers, business-people, food manufacturers, restaurant owners, product distributors, doctors, and others focused on disease prevention and anti-aging
  • Healers: 70K chiropractors; 91K massage therapists; 23K acupuncturists; 18K hypnotherapists; 220K+ personal trainers
  • Usage: 38% & 12% of children are using some form of CAM; $33.9 billion was spent out-of-pocket on CAM-National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2007 findings.
  • Spiritual Belief: 92% of US believe in God; 70% believe more than 1 religion can lead to eternal life; 3/4ths pray weekly; 2/5ths meditate weekly; 79% believe in miracles -PEW Forum on Religion & Public Life, US Religious Landscape Survey, 2008
*Natural & Spiritual Health Industry, coined by

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